Irish National Series 2018 Round 5 & 6 Cork

Belfast city bmx club at Irish National Series 2018 Round 5 & 6 Cork
So rounds 5 & 6 of the Irish championship -Cork did not disappoint!!!

Big thanks to Cork BMX club for a great event, it was a great spectacle of Bmx racing and we even got an early start on Sunday. What a weekend....
A great weekend of racing and a big social for the Belfast and Lisburn kids who had a ball, managed to race, swim, ride rockers, bbq, tennis, and even some golf 🏌️‍♀️😂......
Unfortunately Eddie was not there with his camera, so we don’t have the usual quality of photos !!!

Pictures from BCBC & part2

Annie Whitley
Fifteen Rd6
Lucan Bmx club

videos from Cork Bmx Club round 5 & round 6
Lisburn bmx club round 5round 6

BCBC is Supported By Contac Claims and Frazer Kidd
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